
My research interests lie on Dynamical Systems Theory and it is mainly concerned with the chaotic features of dynamical systems. In this page you can find the  projects that I am working on, as well as a list of publications. Please  click on the title of the project to  see the details of the project.   

Research Statement

Published and Accepted Papers

Published Papers

10 - Rescaled Expansive Flows: Unstable Sets and topological Entropy. Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 2025 (Joint with Alexander Arbieto and Alfonso Artigue) 

9- Asymptotically Expansive Homeomorphisms with the Shadowing Property.  Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2024.  

8- On the Number of Periodic Points for Expansive Pseudo-Groups.  Chaos Solitons and Fractals. 2024. (Joint with Pablo Carrasco and Jana Rodriguez-Hertz).

7-Stable/unstable holonomies, density of periodic points, and transitivity for continuum-wise hyperbolic homeomorphisms.  Nonlinearity. 2024 (joint with Bernardo Carvalho).

6- On Chaotic Properties of ASH Attractors.  Moscow Mathematical Journal, 2024. (Joint with Kendry Vivaz)

On The Shadowableness of Flows with Hyperbolic Singularities. Mathematische Annalen 2023. (with Alexander Arbieto, Andres Mauricio Lopez and Yeison Sanchez).

4- On N-Distal Homeomorphisms.   Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, 2023 (Joint with Juan Carlos Salcedo). 

3-Expansive Lie Group Actions.  Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, 2022.
(Joint with Alexander Arbieto)

2- On The Entropy of Continuous Flows with Uniformly Expansive Points and the Globalness of Shadowable Points with Gaps.  Bull Braz Math Soc, New Series (2022)
(Joint with Alexander Arbieto).

1- Positive entropy through pointwise dynamics.  Proceedings of the AMS. v. 148, p. 263-271,  2020 (Joint with Alexander Arbieto) 

 To appear

In Preparation

1-  Dynamical Coherence of Partially Hyperbolic Endormorphisms .(with Fernando Micena, Sankhadip Chakraborty and Raul Ures).  

2- Volume Growth and Topological Entropy. (with Lin Li and Sergio Romana) 


- Arbieto, Alexander. UFRJ-Brazil
- Artigue, Alfonso. UDELAR- Uruguay
- Carrasco, Pablo Daniel. UFMG-Brazil
- Carvalho, Bernardo. University of Rome- Italy
- Lopez, Andrés. UFRRJ - Brazil
- Morales, Carlos Arnoldo. BHU- China
- Oprocha, Piotr. AGH University - Poland
- Pineda, Miguel. UFRJ- Brazil
- Rodriguez-Hertz, Jana. SUSTech-China
- Romaña, Sergio. UFRJ-Brazil
- Salcedo, Juan Carlos. UFRJ-Brazil
- Sanchez, Yeison. Universidad Nacional-Colombia
- Vivas, Kendry. Catolica del Norte- Chile
- Wen, Xiao. BHU-China