
My research interests lie on Dynamical Systems Theory and it is mainly concerned with the chaotic features of dynamical systems. In this page you can find the  projects that I am working on, as well as a list of publications. Please  click on the title of the project to  see the details of the project.   

Research Statement

Published and Accepted Papers

Published Papers

1- Asymptotically Expansive Homeomorphisms with the Shadowing Property.  Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2024.  

2- On the Number of Periodic Points for Expansive Pseudo-Groups.  Chaos Solitons and Fractals. 2024. (Joint with Pablo Carrasco and Jana Rodriguez-Hertz).

3-Stable/unstable holonomies, density of periodic points, and transitivity for continuum-wise hyperbolic homeomorphisms.  Nonlinearity. 2024 (joint with Bernardo Carvalho).

4- On Chaotic Properties of ASH Attractors.  Moscow Mathematical Journal, 2024. (Joint with Kendry Vivaz)

5 On The Shadowableness of Flows with Hyperbolic Singularities. Mathematische Annalen 2023. (with Alexander Arbieto, Andres Mauricio Lopez and Yeison Sanchez).

6- On N-Distal Homeomorphisms.   Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, 2023 (Joint with Juan Carlos Salcedo). 

7-Expansive Lie Group Actions.  Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, 2022.
(Joint with Alexander Arbieto)

8- On The Entropy of Continuous Flows with Uniformly Expansive Points and the Globalness of Shadowable Points with Gaps.  Bull Braz Math Soc, New Series (2022)
(Joint with Alexander Arbieto).

9- Positive entropy through pointwise dynamics.  Proceedings of the AMS. v. 148, p. 263-271,  2020 (Joint with Alexander Arbieto) 

 To appear

1- Rescaled Expansive Flows: Unstable Sets and topological Entropy. To appear in Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 2024 (Joint with Alexander Arbieto and Alfonso Artigue)

In Preparation

1-  Dynamical Coherence of Partially Hyperbolic Endormorphisms .(with Fernando Micena, Sankhadip Chakraborty and Raul Ures).  

2- Volume Growth and Topological Entropy. (with Lin Li and Sergio Romana) 


1- Arbieto, Alexander. UFRJ-Brazil
2- Artigue, Alfonso. UDELAR- Uruguay
3- Carrasco, Pablo Daniel. UFMG-Brazil
4- Carvalho, Bernardo. University of Rome- Italy
5- Lopez, Andrés. UFRRJ - Brazil
6- Morales, Carlos Arnoldo. BHU- China
7- Pineda, Miguel. UFRJ- Brazil
8 - Rodriguez-Hertz, Jana. SUSTech-China
9 - Romaña, Sergio. UFRJ-Brazil
10- Salcedo, Juan Carlos. UFRJ-Brazil
11 - Sanchez, Yeison. Universidad Nacional-Colombia
12- Vivas, Kendry. Catolica del Norte- Chile
13- Wen, Xiao. BHU-China