Elias Rego
Marie-Curie Fellow
I am a Brazilian mathematician working on the Dynamical Systems theory. My main research interests are in the interplay between topological dynamics, smooth dynamics and ergodic theory. I am currently based on Krakow/Poland.
Short Bio
Professional Appointments
-10/2024-09/2026 Marie-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at AGH University of Krakow.
-10/2023-09/2024. Senior Research Scholar at SUSTech.
-10/2021-09/2023- Postdoctoral Researcher at SUSTech.
- 2021- Ph.D. in Mathematics. UFRJ
Supervisors: Alexander Arbieto (UFRJ) and Alfonso Artigue (UDELAR-Uruguay).
- 2017 . MSc . in Mathematics.UFRJ
Supervisor: Alexander Arbieto (UFRJ)
- 2015. BSc in Mathematic. UFRJ
Research Interests
My research is mainly concerned with chaotic properties of dynamical systems. A brief summary of the topics I use to work is
- Entropy Theory of Dynamical Systems
- Expansive Dynamical Systems
- Weaker Forms of Hyperbolicity for Singular Flows
- Lie Group Actions
- Pointwise Dynamics
- Distal-like Systems
- Shadowing-Like properties
- Applications of Entropy Theory to Astrophysics